Dental Teeth Whitening at Spa Dental Clinic
With spring approaching, now may be the perfect time to brighten up your smile with dental teeth whitening at Spa Dental Clinic in Droitwich. Tooth Whitening is a cosmetic treatment that is affordable, quick and safe with a range of products available, and a selection of treatments to choose from.
At Spa Dental Clinic, patients can choose from chair-side whitening treatments, Enlighten or Zoom teeth whitening, or our polar day/night home whitening kits; all of which can be tailored to suit the patient’s individual needs and achieve the desired results. Whitening can be completed in just one hour and, dependent on your diet, your beautiful, clean white smile can last a number of years.
The tooth whitening procedures are completely pain-free and do not damage the teeth in any way. You’re not just brightening your teeth; your new sparkling smile will radiate confidence.
There are two teeth whitening systems that we offer:
Tray Based
The gel is placed in a custom made thin transparent guard which is worn overnight or for up to one hour for 7-14 days. Your upper and lower teeth can be treated together or on separate occasions.
Surgery Based
Here, more concentrated gels are applied directly to your teeth and the results are accelerated with the use of ultraviolet light. An hour appointment is required with the results guaranteed. ‘Zoom! teeth whitening’ and ‘Enlighten Evolution’ are the two advanced whitening systems we offer at Spa Dental Clinic.
Our teeth whitening dentist can help advise you further and achieve the smile of your dreams. Your new smile could be only a phone call away.
If you are interested in dental teeth whitening then please do not hesitate to get in touch or call the practice on 01905 773111 and our friendly reception team will be happy to book you in for a FREE consultation.
If you have any feedback about this information then please let us know and this will really help us to help you.