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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy For more information, please call the Spa Dental team on 01905 773 111

Spa Dental Clinic Home | Privacy Policy

Our Data Protection Principles

For more information on our privacy policy, please call the Spa Dental team on 01905 773 111, or send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 

The protection and security of your personal data is extremely important to us. The use of your personal data is fully compliant with data protection regulations.

The following information seeks to inform you of which personal data we will ask for and how it will be collected/used online and/or at the Practice as well as steps taken to ensure your data remains safe.

Contact us on 01905 773 111

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Your personal data is any data that relates to your personal identification, i.e. your name, address, phone number or email address. Personal Data is only collected, processed or used by us if permitted by law or if you have given your prior consent. The collection, processing or use of your Personal Data is used in particular for the following purposes:

  • Contact Request (online form/email) We use your Personal Data exclusively to process your request to get in contact with you.
  • Patient Registration (When registering you at the Practice in person/by phone) Without your explicit consent we only use your Personal Data to carry out your registration. When registering we will also ask that you complete a medical history form. All information provided is relevant to your treatment at the Practice and medical information ensures you are treated safely. If you are ever referred to another service outside of the Practice, ie Hospital for dental treatment, we will ask you to sign the referral giving your consent for the referral to be sent and any relevant information to be provided to said service.
  • Online and Offline Advertising (Email, Phone, Letter/Flyer) From time to time we may advertise services available at the Practice. Only with your express consent will we contact you and only with content relating to our services.

If, through your registration, you provide us with additional consent we may use your online information for customer analysis, contests and written mail advertising if any of these are applicable at the time.

  • Right to Object to AdvertisingYou can object at any time to the use of your Personal Data for advertising or market research purposes. You may also withdraw your consent at any time. For this, simply send a short message by email to us.
  • Online ApplicationsIf applicable, when you apply online for a job opening, training opportunity or internship with us, your information is used for the sole purpose of processing your application. As soon as your data is no longer needed it is deleted or destroyed.

Data Security

We and our service providers take security measures to protect both electronically stored and physically storedPersonal Data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons. Our data processing and security measures are improved continuously to fall in line with technological developments.

Privacy Policy

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